Office Hours: Monday 10AM - 1PM
Tuesday - Thursday 8AM - 1PM
Friday - 9AM - 1PM
(214) 686-5856
Why Working with an LPC-Associate Could be the Right Choice
Working with an LPC-Associate will allow clients who don't have insurance the ability to be able to afford mental health counseling services.
**Individual counseling sessions with an Associate are $65; and $75 for families and couples.
What is an LPC-Associate?
An LPC-Associate is a temporarily licensed professional counselor in the state of Texas. This individual has at least a Master's degree in counseling or a related field; has completed a practicum and internship; and has successfully passed the National Counselor Exam (NCE). The Associate must remain in supervision (under a Licensed Professional Counselor-Supervisor) for a minimum of 18 months in which time 3,000 hours of direct and indirect counseling hours must be obtained.
Are LPC-Associates Experienced?
Yes. While in their Masters program, Associates are required to accumulate experience hours in practicum (field training) and internships. Some Associates have specialized training in some areas as their field training has focused on certain populations, diagnoses, and/or treatments. Some Associates are individuals seeking different career paths or licensures; have practiced independently or seeking additional credentials.
Why hire an LPC-Associate?
An LPC-Associate tends to have a lower cash pay rate while providing supervised professional counseling services. Licensed Professional Counselor-Associates (LPC-Associates) have completed their master's degree and have met the educational requirements necessary for licensure. They are committed to their profession and are actively working to build their skills and expertise. They are often enthusiastic, dedicated, and passionate about helping clients.
Is Working With an Associate Right for Me?
Of course this is a personal decision. I will tell you that by working with an Associate you will have the benefit of having multiple clinicians with different skill sets and expertise as Associates have to meet with their supervisor weekly (and they will get the support of their employer). While the discussions during these supervision meetings each week vary from week-to-week the main purpose is for case conceptualization, review of interventions and techniques, and collaboration on treatment options. It all boils down to, receiving services from an Associate guarantees knowledge from more than just the Associate.
*Find information about overall therapy services on our FAQ page.